Value indexing and classification program Part II

Value indexing and classification program Part II

In the name of God the Merciful

Value indexing and Classification program


The value 3 program is one of the important programs in indexing and classifying libraries, and the Indexer Foundation, in collaboration with the forward library, has made public values the development and creation of the program becomes one of the most important indexing programs and has been working on its development since 1426 to this time and has added to this program many etc Special services that serve the researcher, indexer, and workbook

Program Environment

The program was created in the latest and best programming languages (C# .net), and the program was linked to the most important and powerful global rules (SQL Server 2008) where SQL databases are the second largest database that absorbs very large data, especially the developer version of Enterprise


The Indexer Foundation has ensured that the design is easy with distinctive and quiet colours, as well as easy access to all services easily without complexity and this is what the user will notice for the program

Program features

The program has a number of features, the most important of which are

Easy and multiple interfaces
Can link the program to more than one library, and open multiple branches
The ability to link the program to an online library site
Data entry is very easy so that the terminology used is consolidated without having to write it again, such as author, investigator, and publisher.
An unlimited number of indexes can be added to the book so as to facilitate the search for information
Add an infinite number of sub-books associated with a single book, some books contain a number of books within the book or one volume and cannot be add all of these books in the main title of the book, so it has been privileged to add books appended to the book so that it appears to the seeker as a freelance book, not You know the basic book by getting into the book Card
The program has the ability to add the electronic catalog to the book for consultation through general research or substantive research
When you add a second copy of any library book that does not need to enter the new copy data, just type the generic number for the replica and all the data will be fetched, which will save time in data entry
Per folder and each copy of a separate general number, which helps us to introduce the inventory, secondments, and so on, so that the one-volume services are more accurate in the information survey
Each folder has its own barcode, which makes it easier to process, loan or modify the data easily
The number of photographic pages per researcher per day can be determined and cannot be overridden, to allow other researchers to take advantage of the photography
The program includes a number of search screens, which helps the researcher to get to the information as soon as possible, and the program contains a public search screen and an objective search.
Public research is intended to search for one of the basic information of the book, such as title, author, investigator, publisher, place of publication, section, classification number, etc.,

Substantive research is intended to search book indexes after they are entered, with reference to the part and page when the result is reached

Each researcher has a freelance account.
The possibility of communicating between researchers and library officials electronically through the program
Programme services

The program includes a number of services, and the services can be divided into two types

Services for researchers
Services for administrators and library officials

Services for researchers

General search, to search for a basic book information featuring
Search with a word or part of a word in all available fields, giving wider results with the ability to make the search match or content with the search property of more than one field using the binding tools (f) (or)
Various search options such as author, investigator, publisher, series, etc.
Access to author, investigator or Publisher versions through search results without the need to re-search
Search results can be saved for reference again
When there are several libraries associated with each other, they can be searched by all or one library.
In the card button you can view complete information about the book including sub-books, book indexes, and typographical errors written by authors on the book
The program has a service button next to each book and includes a number of services which are
Browse the electronic version of the book if found
Photography: It is intended to require the researcher to photograph certain pages according to the controls adopted by the library and in accordance with the established copyright policy in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where the system provides that the book is not allowed to be filmed in full, and 30% of the book can be photographed for research purposes.
Request: It is intended to request the book from section to section if the library has several sections as a section for men and another for women, for example, or a library branch.
Reference: This is an important characteristic of academic researchers or authors, where the researcher is able to store the book information he has returned in his research so that he can subsequently export addresses to an Excel file or e-mail transmission and copies it to its search, which provides it with the process of surveying the book information that Back to her during the research
Correction: It is intended to enable the researcher to alert clerical staff and researchers to error in the book, whether it is a typo or a systematic one, as it is a public library policy it is not possible for searchers to comment on books because it causes corruption of the book, and some may see it as wrong and other to see it right, and to avoid commenting on Books we have a comment feature through the program
Print search results including key fields in addition to the Department and the classification number
Thematic research: A search of book catalogues featuring the following
Partial or identical search for any topic
Search using the and binding tools, or
Search results include reference to the part, page, and book contained in the topic
After the search results appear, you can access the requested page directly if the book is filmed electronically
All services Pain

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